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About Bekind: Future Roadmap

Bekind is busy building an online platform for eco-conscious people who prefer to purchase eco-friendly products online.

The Bekind brand was launched early in 2025 to promote the importance and necessity of being kinder to the planet. We are dedicated to creating a helpful resource for ethical people just like you who prefer to support sustainable businesses that put the planet first. 

Bekind believes that whilst there are many great eco-brands being created, there is the need for a platform like ours to curate, collate, and present all of the available options in one convenient location.

We invite you to join us on this journey and if you are an eco-brand please contact us to discuss your available options for being featured on Bekind. We can all enjoy a much better consumer experience if we know what our eco-friendly options are.

We’ve Taken the .Eco Pledge

“We pledge to support positive change for the planet and to be honest when sharing information on environmental actions.”

.eco profile for

We’re proud to show the world our commitment to the environment by choosing to build our brand on a .eco domain and join the .eco community in our collective goal to contribute toward positive change for the planet.

“Let’s create a better world where people are kinder to the planet…” ~ Bekind.

Live Greener. Shop Sustainably.

Eco-Friendly People
Join Our Sustainable Living Community! 🙌

Bekind © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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